Wednesday, September 22, 2010

To The Plow

Photography by Ursula Kowcun

Now I know that this blog is solely dedicated to my written works of poetry but sometimes it is good to reach outside the box. I made a comment about plowing and I felt it was worthy of thought. When we go through tragic moments in our lives, we hope that we can survive. We want to rise above our circumstances, become resolute. When weathering through our difficult and sometimes lonely situations we forget the deep seated pain that hides underneath. It is only when be begin to dig and plow through our emotional baggage that we find resolve. Ever since I committed to writing a autobiography book I began to find a new world of buried rocks. Thoughts and feelings left to breathe among the dark walls of pain. If I want my life to be fertile and productive I need to dig deep and carry away the rocks of shame, hurt and abandonment. I want a garden of new beginnings! I want to burst out with a life of faith, hope and love!

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